hi all! thanks for reading today's post :) typical thursday here, but it didn't feel like thursday at all if you ask me! it can't POSSIBLY be a week ago that it was last thursday, can it? last thursday only sticks out to me because in jazz ensemble we got to play for the little kids..otherwise i probably wouldn't remember. but that week went by in literally a snap, i can almost promise you it was the fastest week of my life! while talking about fast time, i looked back 100 days to see what i was doing on day 70 and i was carving pumpkins, that's so silly. I'm having a hard time believing it was 100 days ago. 100 days from now i'll have about 50 days left in belgium. odd. the entire perspective i'm gaining here isn't just about culture and the world. its also about life, time, and what really matters to me. 100 days could go by in the USA and i wouldn't take any sort of notice. my mom would fill up my car with gas and i wouldn't take the time to say thank you. i wouldn't even take the time to see that i HAD A CAR not a bike, or that it wasn't filled up with diesel like all the cars here, or that she took the time to do something for me. coming here all alone, on this big adventure of mine (had trouble just now, tried spelling mine as "mijn"..language limbo), it is a great way to take a step back and see what's really important in my life. its so cool to feel my two worlds coming together! ah man, i don't even know what i did today. i get so giddy with excitement expressing my random thoughts on this blog that i forget what i did in the day. whole day real school today, but the first two hours i slept in because the nice french teacher said she "wouldnt notice" *wink* if i didn't go to her class...i really really like her. she also speaks the easiest dutch to understand out of anyone i've heard so far. easier than my language teachers! so in "creative music" class they played the 20th century fox song on recorders, it was funny. i hit the bass drum a few times, that was the extent of my participation. my favorite class in my school is jazz! we played this bossa nova feel song and it was just great. i finally caught most of the kicks and the director called it (roughly translated) beautiful and nice! hooray! so that is all about school today. after school i came home and watched american idol on my computer, a new episode is tonight and i hope to watch it tomorrow...so so so addicting, even across the ocean and with new judges. here are a couple pictures, because i'm trying to have a picture every day for february. we'll see how long that lasts. my blue tongue from my gummy vitamins and my collection of beer coasters!

goodnight everyone, thanks again for reading. much much love from belgium!
gekke foto James, met die blauwe tong!!
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