169, cool! i love wednesdays in belgium! because school is only till noon so that gives you plenty of time to do something. today i went to brussels! but first i came home and had yummy lasagna my host mom made. food food food always in the blog! so after lunch i quickly biked to the station and caught the train to brussels. i haven't been on a train since december, i find that depressing because i LOVE the trains. what's even more depressing is that my train ticket coupon thing is up, so next time i have to buy another. if you're under 26 you can buy this pass for 50 euro with 10 trips on it..so 5 euro each way, and i guess its a lot cheaper or something. maybe you don't find that useful information, i don't know. i better type it on here though, otherwise 20 years from now i will never remember what kind of ticket i had for the train now will i?! so i met gabby from the usa and brendan from canada in brussels. at fist we went to this pub where all the other exchange students go to meet every wednesday, but i quickly decided hanging out with all the spanish speaking exchange students was nothing interesting for me so you guessed it...shopping! but what's shopping without a waffle or two?

brussels is a cool city, because well..its brussels. i would have never thought that all the cities would be so accessible, i can travel across the country and back by simply catching a couple trains. belgium is tiny but getting somewhere takes forever! most of the time driving is the fastest way, but i totally prefer the trains..i'm just so in love with them! it's like i'm in harry potter or something. so here are a couple pictures from brussels then!

while we were shopping i found this awesome tee shirt that i sadly didnt buy. i laughed at it, then found an awesome comic on google i want to share with you all. hahahaha:

so i guess overall, we didn't do much in brussels. but its okay. at least i got to go there. its nice to say i can casually go to such an impressive place on a wednesday afternoon. now i'm home. and now i'm tired. so that shall be all for today, thanks for reading!
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