hello all! day 98, obviously. lets see..what happened today..umm. i went to the dutch lesson and was extremely bored! i was hoping the new teacher would improve on the second day but no such luck. then i had lasagna for lunch with the music class at this place we always go for lunch when we are not at the teahouse drinking hot chocolate! i burnt the roof of my mouth pretty badly if that counts for anything..ouch. then i had an hour in the library followed by two hours with a guy that is apparently a famous musician in belgium? i didn't know that..his name is Kris Wauters and he helped the class with their song they wrote. i just sat there and played the drums a few times, then there were people from the paper and everything (publicity for the school? making it seem not as ghetto as it really is?) and i just sat in the background and giggled as my class ooh-ed and ahh-ed over this guy. what can i say, it was better than math class. or was it? at least in math class i can take a nap or read my book. then we had an hour of expression and you should know by now that it is an hour of reading my book again! then i went tanning, bought a sweatshirt, tank top, and a traded in my scarf that i bought yesterday for one without a hole in it. i really wanted another dark green one but they were out, so i settled for mustardy yellow..even though i already have one. the one i have kept shedding, and luckily this one doesn't..so it works. plus i'm wearing it now and it is extremely warm! i guess i'm also wearing a hat and slippers..have i mentioned how cold i am here!?

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