day 93 in belgium, hip hip hooray! today was another day where i just didn't want to wake up. again because of the cold temperature and because i am sooo tired! i think its half lack of sleep and half not speaking english at school..makes me extremely tired!the only exciting thing about dutch class was that i gave everyone their waffles, and then the teacher made me stand on her table while the class sang the dutch birthday song to was really funny! then i had some noodles i brought from home for lunch (way better than me) and had an hour of jazz, hour of nothing with my class...literally sitting in a room watching them sing, hour of library, and an hour of sitting there watching them do some play time thing. SO BORING!! i talked to two other exchange students today while i was in the library, i always see them in the library speaking spanish and it turns out they are actually exchange students that don't go to class (or don't have class) either, so that made me feel better. it also made me feel better (or bad) that they are only half way through dutch 1.1, while i'm almost 1/4 through 1.2..silly non rotary exchange programs! so then i came home from school to find a box from my friend katie had come in the mail! it was really exciting! she sent great american food of course and some funny pictures and notes from middle school. along with a hemp necklace that i'm going to try to wear till i see her again..but i also said i was going to grow my hair out and you all see how that turned out..! she sent ramen noodles, awesome! you would think i am from china or something??

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