day seventy two! happy happy day because i officially made it to level 1.2 in dutch! hooray! so now we have a one week break and i start the next level monday the 8th. truth be told, the test (both speaking and writing) were not half as bad as i was expecting. anyways, on to school. hmm..what did i have today. oh yes, jazz. it was great, i got to play what i enjoy and what i'm good at, so its always nice to have that on thursdays. then i offered the argentinan kid a chance to try, and it took almost all of me not to laugh out loud at how bad he was. the teacher looked over at me after a minute of him playing and said "how about you play so he can see how to do it" or something..haha i like that teacher. then we watched a movie in art history in which i finished reading my book. the last two hours of school were really boring, music class and some drama class thing. i have this terrible habit of being able to fall asleep at any given moment in the lessons..literally in any position i just fall asleep then wake up and hope the class is almost over. i'm not sure if that makes me a good foreign exchange student or a bad one, but nonetheless its very refreshing. anyways..after school i went tanning, to celebrate my level-up in dutch class. i love how i always have to have some sort of reasoning in my head to go tanning..something that makes me feel like its a worthy cause and not just a selfish waste of money, haha. then i came home and eventually we finished the finger cookies! aren't they spooky? some of the fingernails were coming off so i made some edible glue (powdered sugar, milk, and food coloring) and it looks like more blood..ahhh!

then here are a couple pictures of the finished decorating by my host mother with some of the things we got yesterday. currently the cooking club is hard at work downstairs! 8 guys that meet like once a month or something and cook a fancy meal..shall we start one i brookings, friends? not like we need another excuse to entertain back in good old south dakota...enough of that going on ;) about the only noteable thing about tonight was that one of the cooking club members asked me for my pumpkin seed bloggers, you should try it too!

so now i leave you, because i am extremely tired and have a whole day at real school tomorrow. luckily i have two free periods where i can go to the library (due to the fact that they took me out of french and german) so hopefully i can get some nice nap time in. goodnight and as always, thanks for reading!
looks like a mary table!!! hahahaha..-kt