unfortunately the second half of the day was not as pleasant. it started out nicely, sitting at the coffee shop down the street with my host mom, waiting to bike to the hairdresser. it was nice.

then i got my hair done, or, attempted to. the hairdresser spent about 3/4 of the time on the phone, and the rest of the time telling stories. i think he used the scissors on my hair for maybe 5 minutes. i wanted a real HAIRCUT you know..chop those ends off like 2 inches..but it was more like half a centimeter. then he proceeded to blow dry the hell out of it and break a lots more hair off and tell stupid stories. damn. really pathetic, especially considering it cost about 60 us dollars. live and learn i guess. then i came home and ate dinner. truthfully i didn't really like it but it could be due to the fact that i'm not in the best mood right now. hopefully tomorrow will be better. thanks for reading and sorry if i sound selfish!
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