so after that we came home for a little bit and then went to Kasterlee like..20 minutes drive? to a pumpkin festival thing! it was..charming, to say the least. there were cute little booths selling pumpkins, pancakes, and everything in between. someone my family knew asked me the common are you gaining weight question, and i didn't know how to answer it. i guess my clothes fit fine, my legs feel stronger (damn bike..weird), but i really don't know for sure. so i thought about it seriously for a few minutes then decided to eat a giant fluffy pancake from the cool guy with the oven pictured below. although in all seriousness i couldgain or lose 20 pounds and be completely oblivious to it..i'm really not that observant, i have better things to worry about. can you tell weight is not on my priority list? hah! when in belgium folks, when in belgium..besides that, its not my fault this country runs on carbohydrates. i even got to see THE LARGEST PUMPKIN IN EUROPE! gee, theres something i'll never forget..maybe.

the best part about today was not the greek place we went for dinner, although that was kind of amusing in itself. nor was the best part about today the hour i played monopoly with my host family, although that was actually really fun. the best part about today was what is pictured below. hollowed out giant pumpkins, used as a little boat..in a race. just grow the pumpkin, carve it, and use and oar to push yourself around the water. funniest concept i've ever heard of! sadly the actual race is in a week or so, so we didn't see it. we only saw an example pumpkin and i picked up a brochure. seriously though, how clever is this!??! pumpkin boat races? HAHA!

anyways, i hope your day was as nice as mine. as always, thanks for reading and goodnight!!